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Why use vite

Because I'm used to it, but I might try rsbuild

Why ofetch

Because Type Friendly article can get the type directly, axios needs to process the interceptor

const article = await ofetch<Article>(`/api/article/${id}`);

Why react-query

Because I don't like the conditional fetching syntax of swr

// Conditional fetching
const { data } = useSWR(shouldFetch ? '/api/data' : null, fetcher)

// ...or return a falsy value

Why react-router

  1. Because I saw Innei implemented file routing based on react-router
  2. I tried TanStack Router briefly, but I didn't like the API of TanStack Router, so I switched back to react-router
  3. And I'm looking forward to the file routing of react-router@v7
  4. Let the bullets fly, I'll try TanStack Router in the next few versions, or wait for the file routing of react-router@v7

Will there be a Next.js version

There may be one, but it will take some time, because I need to do something else, I currently only need the SPA version